February 16, 2013

Just A Couple Of Chickens is available in E-Book format!

Now available in both Kindle and EPUB formats, Just A Couple Of Chickens is now an ebook!

The Kindle version is available at the Kindle Store on Amazon.com, and the ePUB version is listed at Smashwords - and will soon be available on Barnes and Noble and the Apple iBookstore.

While it has always been my vision to have my book in my hands, and in the hands of my cherished readers, as a real book... I plunged in and swam my way upstream in the tech flood that is e-books.

I'm starting to dig e-books, but last night my battery died and I really was bent out of shape. I love real books. I love the paper and the covers and their presence. I love librarys and bookstores and stacks and stacks of books.

I do love the e-reader devices. They are so swish and cool. I am amazed that I can change the font, size, margins, background color, and screen brightness. But I need to remember to plug in my darn book. It's a new world and it doesn't work well when I misplace my charger.


Just A Couple Of Chickens in just a couple of formats.